Thursday, September 25, 2014

Deer Feed Plot!

I don't know if you can tell from the picture but I am building swells on grade to capture the runoff water and force it to settle in the ground, therefore building up the soil and watering the roots of the plants on the downhill side.  Hopefully if I get them wide enough I can run a chicken tractor on them which will further help feed the plants with nitrogen rich chicken poop. I believe there is plenty of information on both swells and chicken tractors on websites like 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Look out Cousin Eddie!

This is where we lived for about 10 months while we were building our home and working on our storage barn and planting trees. I would do it again, it was great but very difficult at times. We started off dry camping with one battery.  I carried water from the spring with a 4 gallon backpack. Electricity was supplied by a large gas generator. Later a 30 amp Yamaha generator was added and 3 more marine batteries in parallel.  The 4 batteries would keep the heat going all night with plenty of power left over in the morning and the 30 amp generator was much quieter.